Marks of the Oppressor

by louise

When I considered writing for Meat, Complicity, and Thou, I nearly rejected the idea because I feared how others would react to me proposing the spiritual path as the means to overcome the Imperium. I saw you rolling your eyes for my foolishness, pitying my deluded state. Others would surely dismiss me as a serious social change agent for I obviously have stumbled off the edge. Some might get angry with me for disrespecting their beliefs or criticizing their strategies to reform the Imperium. However, I decided to share my beliefs. While I do not expect everyone to share my worldview,  l cannot let my fear of others rejecting me keep me from doing what I need to do.

In truth, I had no option. My fear for the Earth Interbeing trivialized my fear of abandonment. To not do MCT would have only deepened my complicity in conforming to the expectations of the Imperial culture. We have no control over what arises in our experience, but we have complete responsibility for how we respond.

Fear comes in many forms, some which save our lives. However, knowing the Imperium’s  endangerment of the Earth Interbeing stands front and center of my fears. The Imperium manipulates and controls us by playing our fears like a virtuoso. We have internalized the myth of our exceptionalism and the denial of the sacred Earth Interbeing to the degree that we consider it not only normal but the truth. Each of us have our own root fears that the Imperial culture stimulates if we think about tampering with its roots. I have the primal fear of abandonment. Can you name yours?       Read more

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