Bessie the Cow on Reciprocity

We have a different creation story than Westerners. You have two stories. In the first one, God created the Earth and gave his chosen male people dominion over women, all other life, and Earth. In your second story, creation happened within a microsecond some 14 billion years ago, the Big Bang. Everything that came after that moment merely unfolded the potential of those initial conditions according to the laws of cause and effect, a process that will continue until the end of time. Both stories strongly influence the Western worldview.

We hold creation as an ever-changing, dynamic flux of reality that lies within all beings, Earth, all forces, and processes. We have a relationship with this flux of creation, the Great Spirit, that which makes us one within the sacred Earth Interbeing.

Within this ongoing creation, the Earth Interbeing balances chaos and order through interrelationships, a constant give and take of energy, information, resources, and caring. These interactive interrelationships have greater importance than material forms.

From a single virus to the whole Earth Interbeing, life survives and thrives because it adapts to ever changing conditions. We find ways to preserve and renew the dynamic harmony and balance of life within the creative flux. The Earth Interbeing dances to the rhythm of the spirit.

Without this precious balance between chaos and order, life ceases. Imbalances may cause conditions to change too fast for life to adapt; or large relational networks and systems of the Earth Interbeing may suffer devastating damage; or a disease within interrelationships may disrupt flows of energy, information, resources, and caring. Without this balance between chaos and the order of life, interrelationships, and forms of being dissipate and dissolve back into the flux.

At the root of adapting to this constantly changing balance, we find caring, both an attitude and a direction. The Earth Interbeing harmoniously cares for the Earth Interbeing, creating a synergistic outcome for the planet, beings, and forces, held together by a vast array of interrelationships, networks, information flows, and interdependencies. The ongoing survival of the Earth Interbeing within the creative flux depends upon this caring within all relationships.

We consider reciprocity as the fundamental law of Earth Interbeing. Every being receives a constant flow of gifts: sunlight, water, air, soil, place, food, seed, warmth, healing, shelter, food, companionship, relationships, love, and the spirit, to mention a few. Every gift we receive comes from a sacred being, a being with its own love of life, its own knowledge, its own intentions, its own sacred offerings that it gifts others.

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