Bessie the Cow on Place

I’m back, Bessie the cow, the Earth Interbeing’s messenger.

This time I get to tell you about place. Here we enter a way of living most of you will have a difficult time getting your head around. Way back in European history, say 3,000 years ago, your ancestors would have a lived experience of place, a way of living extinguished by the early Imperium – the Roman Empire and later the Holy Roman Empire. Be that as it may, let’s do place.

To remind us, all beings share a single purpose: to care for the Earth Interbeing and all its ways of being. The wholeness of Earth Interbeing, its harmony and balance, depends upon the efforts of all beings to preserve, recover, and renew it.

A place inhabits us; we do not own it. We live within a place with all the other beings who also live there. Think about all the people who live in a place with you. Add all the pets, wildlife, farmed animals, plants, trees, and all the other life forms I have not mentioned who also live in the place.

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