Welcome to the Imperium’s 21st Century

It began with perceiving our differences as special, a delusion that ultimately festered into the disease of exceptionalism. We came to believe that the Earth and all life have the sole purpose to meet our demands of them and that we can freely do what we want to them without moral or natural constraints. Welcome to the 21st century.

It continued with exalting the specialness of our differences into the deluded belief that the Creator gave us dominion over Creation. We came to believe that our special differences made us the image of god and his promised people with the power to use violence to impose our beliefs and our ways upon others. Eventually, we came to believe that we no longer needed a god as Western science and technology gave us the keys to unlock all the secrets and riches of nature. We relegated the Western god to Sunday morning and eventually secularized all his spaces and meaning.

The spiritual disease of the Imperium spread to all corners of the Earth, enslaving people, taking the land from those who lived upon it, and desanctifying what they held sacred. The racist settler colonies plowed under the cultures in their path, replacing indigenous ways with the exceptional culture of Western white Christians, the Imperial culture. The ongoing corporate colonial project further disconnects us from our responsibilities to one another and to the land. Welcome to the 21st century.

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